Sunday 17 July 2011 take photos of yourself, and post them on the web?

My willpower is getting better everyday. I went to a family funeral during the week, saw old family I've not seen for a long time...didn't have a drink (previously mandatory at family gatherings!). Oh, doing the rounds of the relatives, my mum appeared to have had a conversation with each just before me, and had apparently told them that i "take photos of my abs, and post them on the internet"...yep, i'm that guy now, until i see them again.

Then, Friday night, joined some mates for a night out. I timed it so I got there later than usual. They were nicely sozzled when I arrived. I put in a couple of hours on mineral water and lemon lime bitters for a "treat"' then made graceful exit at 12.15. Not particularly missing the booze right now. Not drinking allowed me to get up sat and Sunday and put in my best workouts yet. Someone suggested pushups and dips between the 2 minute skipping sets.

I find it a little hard on weekends to get all my calories in. Also, I think I may be hitting the yogurt a little too hard...need to ease up on that.

Off to chop veggies again...seems to be all I do. I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm just so friggin' sick and tired of chopping and steaming vegetables. It is seriously doing my head in. Anyhow...stiff shit, and on with the show!


  1. Holy shit, dude. Getting some serious abdominal definition going there. 6 more week and you'll be a rock.

  2. Ha! Your mom's distilling of PCP down to "take photos of my abs, and post them on the internet" is hilarious... Sounds much more like a pornography program.

    Seriously, seconding Noel's comment, but you are the most likely candidate for the chisel chest award in our group!

  3. try grilling the veggies. it doesn't solve the chopping but they taste better than steamed.

  4. Solid progress my man... Way to stick in there and post some results. Who knew right? But it's still you on the 'end of day wrap' buddy. Get on it!
