Wednesday 27 July 2011


Today I'm off to Europe to collect my "almost 6" year old son, then the two of us are off to Croatia for a Boys trip! Can't wait...lots of sunshine. I expect it will be difficult to remain PCP compliant, as 6 yr olds prefer pizza and ice cream to steam veggies and egg whites...who woUld have thought? A little planning will ease the blowout. I steamed up what veggies I had in the house last night, and have 3 or 4 portions to take with me on the flight, to get around the shitty airline food. Also, got up early to do the working out this morning before leaving for the airport. So, I should only miss two days of exercise, and should manage the diet...all good.

Will check in from poolside, and let you know how it's tracking. However, a rare holiday with my boy certainly warrants some controlled PCP blowout!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Well the training has ramped us this feels much more concentrated. I really feel the muscles burning, almost like they are going to pop. These workouts feel great. It's nice to have that satisfied, exhausted feel post workout. Someone mentioned it's nice not to have the legs to do...couldn't agree more!

So, what's your indulgence? I had a lot of trouble deciding on this one. Dry July is keeping me off the booze, so beer and wine was out. Food, or desert. After searching the web, I worked out I could split a margherita pizza, and some chocolate cake. It was nice, but wasn't the Heaven I thought it would be. I didn't even have the full half pizza. The cake...yeah that was bloody good. It was nice to get up and get the big veggie and egg breakfast going again. I am Plain Jane.

Trying to sound interesting, but I'm watching a show that has my attention. Going to sign off. One thing, I simply feel better than I have felt in 10 or 15 years. Stronger, leaner, healthier...everything is better.

Sunday 17 July 2011 take photos of yourself, and post them on the web?

My willpower is getting better everyday. I went to a family funeral during the week, saw old family I've not seen for a long time...didn't have a drink (previously mandatory at family gatherings!). Oh, doing the rounds of the relatives, my mum appeared to have had a conversation with each just before me, and had apparently told them that i "take photos of my abs, and post them on the internet"...yep, i'm that guy now, until i see them again.

Then, Friday night, joined some mates for a night out. I timed it so I got there later than usual. They were nicely sozzled when I arrived. I put in a couple of hours on mineral water and lemon lime bitters for a "treat"' then made graceful exit at 12.15. Not particularly missing the booze right now. Not drinking allowed me to get up sat and Sunday and put in my best workouts yet. Someone suggested pushups and dips between the 2 minute skipping sets.

I find it a little hard on weekends to get all my calories in. Also, I think I may be hitting the yogurt a little too hard...need to ease up on that.

Off to chop veggies again...seems to be all I do. I would be lying if I didn't say that I'm just so friggin' sick and tired of chopping and steaming vegetables. It is seriously doing my head in. Anyhow...stiff shit, and on with the show!

Sunday 10 July 2011

Raw commitment

Last week was great, but by Friday evening, I was out of vegetables. So, I probably didn't get my fix on fri night and sat morning. I then had to jump in the car and drive two hours. I wooded down an egg..but alas, no veggies. So, in a display of PCP commitment, I bought some broccoli and a carrot. I then ate them RAW, whilst driving. Not too bad, and, got me a nice set of green teeth...sweet! I then had a chocolate cookie....

I stuck to the diet pretty well for the rest of the weekend. I think I'm overdoing it a little on the's such a treat.funnily, my Chinese food on Saturday evening...I looked atit long and hard, and couldnt rally SEE the food. It didn't looknthat nice, covered in super rich sauces etc.

Exercises are going well. Even the old chicken legs are feelingn stronger. Te pistol square have improved. Tonight, I really just went through the motions though, so need to get back into it tomorrow. As the 8 minute abs guy says..."that's got it".

Sunday 3 July 2011

I was at a dinner party on Tuesday evening, and the food was delicious. I picked my way through, trying to be PCP compliant, but prob veered a little from our leaders' path. Anyway, I got back on track for the rest of the week, and am feeling better every day. Saturday night, we went to my favouritE Italian restaurant with some great friends. Drinks before, then dinner. I actually made my shake etc first, and had a simple salad as my post dinner veggie hit....not so hard. Even the not drinking wasn't too hard. Thank god for Dry July! It's nice to have Not one, but TWO reasons to stay off the booze entirely for the next month.

Don't feel like the progress has been huge this past week. However, my jeans that were previously tight, fashionably of course, are now quite loose...even baggy. Bizarre, as the scale says only 3kg. Guess it's about the body shape changing, not the scale. I'm having a love affair with my steamed vegetables and fruit. The thought of overly rich, salted restaurant food is becoming very unappealing now, suggesting my eating habits are like changing for the foreseeable post PCP future.