Monday 5 September 2011

All done...let's start again!

This final post is late, as my Internet has been down for what seems like an eternity. Anyway, it's now a week since I finished, and the truth is, I Feel a little underwhelmed. Why? Mentally, I probably finished PCP 2 weeks befor the end. And, as I had been on vacation for the 2 weeks prior to that, I feel that the last month of PCP was not completed with the dedication of the first 2 months. So, advice to PCPers...hold the course, right up until the last meal and workout...then you'll really feel like you can celebrate.

Nevertheless, I feel better than I have felt in 10 years. I am back to the weight that I am comfortable with...I just don't need to carry the extra, and, I know my eating habits have changed for...don't want to be dramatic and say "the rest of my life", but definitely for the foreseeable future. In fact, a week after Pcp, and I have still been logging the same breakfasts, and eating the simple veggies and protein where I can. another thing, I now feel like I am the limited boozer I always wanted to be. Seriously, 3 drinks, and I have a headache. I've always been a decent drinker, but respected my friends who were small drinkers a lot. That's me now! Again, this is all very soon, so the follow through is the key.

I've still kept up the skipping, and have a gym session tonight. It was amazing to watch others fart around at the gym, mobile phones, walking around for minutes between sets etc. I was in and out in 40 minutes, and had what felt like a good solid more time wasting at the gym!

Patrick, you have put together a great program. It is obvious that you are passionate about what you do, and that is infectious. You have helped me get along the road to being the healthy person I should be, and will be going forward...thank you so much for that. I certainly plan to spread the Pcp word. I wish YOU every success going forward.  Thanks!

I am a little lost without the strict program. I was scratching my head a little on the way to the gym...what to do? This was never a problem previously. However, I applied your principles to knock up a quick, concentrated workout, and it is so much more efficient than my pre PCP workouts.

However, 80% of PCP is diet, right? Well, the diet part almost feels like second nature now. I truly have "stripped" my pallet clean, and am loving the plain, real food. Each meal and snack time now, I am making simple healthy choices that I know are doing me good. This is the biggest gift from the PCP. 

Well done everyone...stick with it, and thanks for the support...what a wonderfully supportive group we had. Thanks again Patrick, you should be very proud of your program.
